Thursday, July 24, 2014

Superheroes! Day 5: Belt

Day 5: Belt
Question of the day was...
Who do you know that wears a belt?
What kind of tools would a super hero keep in his/her belt?
Letter of the day for Word Wall was "B"...

Our project today was creating a belt and decorating with super stars that we stamped on with foam shapes and paint...

Our belts and masks, which we played with outside...

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Superheroes! Day 4: Mask

Day 4: Mask
Question of the day was...
Have you ever worn a mask?

Today's project was decorating our very own super hero mask!

Letter of the day or the Word Wall was "M"...

We worked on writing "4" and "four" in our workbooks...

Superheroes! Day 3: Cape

Day 3: Cape
Question of the day was...
If you had a super hero cape, what would you do with it?
We also talked again about real life super heroes like police, firemen, and EMTs and how to get help if there is an emergency...

Letter of the day for the Word Wall was "C", and we practiced the sound for C and thought up some words that start with C...

Our project of the day was decorating a paper "cape" with shapes and colors that symbolize your favorite super power...

In our workbooks we practiced writing "3" and 'three"...

And here are pics of the pudding pies that I got the thumbs up for (reference Facebook post from July 18th)...

Superheroes! Day 2: Glasses

Question of the day was...
What are some ways that our eyes can be super powerful?

We started the day by looking at our theme poster which shows kids being super in all different ways. One at a time, each child used the picture magnifying glass to identify the picture on the poster and then answer some corresponding questions about the poster...

Next, we played a game that helped us practice our shape names and colors. Taking turns, each child rolls the dice and whatever shapes are rolled are identified by shape name and color of the shape. Then, the child finds the matching card on the table...

Today in our workbooks we wrote the number 2 and the word "two". The kids were then challenged to draw two eyes, wearing glasses...

Our project/activity of the day was using colored lenses in glasses to make pictures show up on paper that looked like messy scribbles...