Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day 7: Wheat

Day 7: Wheat

Our book of the day was "Pancakes, Pancakes" by Eric Carle, which is a book about a boy who wants pancakes for breakfast, and one of the tasks he must complete to gather the ingredients is to cut wheat and take it to the miller to be processed into flour...

Another activity today was a matching game, with our "Down on the Farm" farm animal matching cards ...

Our art project today was to make some wheat bread. 
First we cut the wheat...

Then, we glued the wheat pieces to our bread, and last, we added glitter to make our artwork really shine...

Day 6: Tractor

Day 6: Tractor
Question of the day was ...
"Why do you think tractors have big wheels?"

Our first activity was a tractor puzzle...

Our project of the day was "Moving Tractor Art", 
a tractor with moving wheels!

Here you can see all of our farm toys that we retrieved from the playroom, to aid in this month's curriculum...

We had a participation story today, called "Gwen the Red Hen"...

Here are our proud artists...

Monday, October 21, 2013

Day 5: Pig

Day 5: Pig

 Question of the day... "Where have you seen a pig?"
(LOL, "on my bed")

Today we had a worksheet that practiced our letters of the month and also some line tracing...

In the afternoon we did some finger painting and tested some color mixing as well, to make green and orange and other colors that we didn't have in finger paints...
 Color mixing...

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Day 4: Planting Seeds

Day 4: Planting Seeds

Question of the day was "What kind of seeds have you seen?"...

 Our book of the day was "There's a Cow in my House"...

We did a pattern activity today, where the kids did an A, A, B pattern of seeds and watering cans...

Finally, our project for the day was a "Growing Grass Art"

Completed project, watered and all...