Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day TWO of The Life Cycle of a Butterfly Unit

Day two of our new learning unit:
The Life Cycle of a Butterfly
Today we got into more detail about the life cycle of the butterfly and some of the terminology used to describe the different stages in the butterfly life cycle. We also learned some of the names of butterfly body parts and how you can tell if a butterfly is a boy or a girl. We watched a short video showing how a real life caterpillar hatches from an egg and goes through the different stages of it's life and we listened to a read along audio storybook about the life cycle of a butterfly, 
by Bobbie Kalman. The kids colored, cut and pasted pictures depicting the 4 stages of the butterfly's life cycle... egg, caterpillar, pupa in chrysalis, and finally butterfly. Then we answered almost all of the questions we had about butterflies on our "Butterfly Facts" chart. 
Step 1: Color, Step 2: Cut, Step 3: Paste in order!
Practicing fine motor skills like scissor skills and correct pencil grip are very
 important in your child's development and preparation for school.
Learning these things isn't easy for little ones, but practice makes perfect!
 I give the kids art projects using a variety of different art materials, so
they have the opportunity to work with different supplies and master their technique.
Some of the art mediums we have use are: crayon, marker, water color paint, washable
chemical free paint, finger paint, chalk, pencil, pen, colored pencils, and more. 
We also practice using glue sticks, kid safe scissors, liquid glue, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, 
and so much more.

Here are the butterfly cut outs the kids colored with markers:

 Here is the finished product from our color, cut, and paste activity:

After lunch (turkey dogs with homemade tortilla chips and pico de gallo) we did some finger painting and then colored with markers on their very own butterfly cutouts.

Here are some pictures of the kids doing some finger painting:
Big kids at the easel with aprons to keep their clothes clean!

 How cute are the girls wearing our little kid smocks and a couple of plastic
headbands I found to keep their hair out of their faces!?

Day 1 Life Cycle of a Butterfly