Monday, September 30, 2013

Week 3, My Friends- Day 4: Pen Pals

 Day 4: Pen Pals

Our "Project of the Day" was our mail boxes, which the kids decorated and constructed (with help) their own mail boxes. Then, the kids wrote notes or colored pictures and addressed envelopes for family members. Last, we raised the mailbox "flag" to signify that our mail was ready to be collected! ...

Something else we did today was a numbers game where the kids "delivered" mail to the correct house on the board, according to color and number...

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week 3, My Friends- Day 3: Neighbors

We are on week 3: My Friends...

Day 3 is all about Neighbors!
  Question of the day was "Who lives near you?"...

One of our activities today was to identify United States on the world map and to place the United States Flag on the poster...

In preparation for our math activity today, the kids decorated their money bags with pictures of what kinds of things they could do to help their neighbors...

 Last, we set up our "store" and the kids had a chance to "purchase" snacks and treats from our treasure chest. Each kid got $5 of "Mother Goose Bucks" and while some kids spent their $5 on one item, others realized that when they purchased a $2 item, they still has $3 to spend on another item. In the end, everyone got what they wanted and all were very happy to play "store" for awhile...


Saturday, September 28, 2013

Week 3, My Friends- Day 2: School Friends

Week 3's theme is "My Friends" and day 2 is 
all about "School Friends".

 Our art project of the day was an apple that the kids laced a green yarn through and then decorated with glitter and a paper worm...


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Week 3, My Friends- Day 1: Making Friends

 Week 3- My Friends
Day 1- Making Friends...

The question of the day was "Who is your friend?"...

Today was the first day that we had rain, this fall...

Also, today we got our second color wand... YELLOW...
One of our activities today was a sequencing activity, and the kids examined cards and decide what sequence the cards went in...

Here is our "Story of the Day"...

 And our art project of the day...