Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Week 2, My Feelings- Day 4: Surprised

"My Feelings" week is almost over, today was day 4 and our curriculum was about the feeling of "surprise". Our question of the day was "What surprises you?" ...

 We read a book about a cat that had a surprise party thrown for him,and the kids matched the cards with the pictures in the book...

 We had  a discussion today about recycling and we sorted the trash in the classroom trashcan into piles of paper and clean plastic for the recycle bin...

Then the kids were awarded their recycle expert badges...

Next, we talked about patterns and created a pattern from cards with spiders and gifts (both items that can cause us to be surprised)...

 We practiced "Baby Beluga" by Raffi...

Finally, we did an art project where we created peek a boo puppets...
Hiding bunny...
 Peek a boo! ...

Peek a boo, Baby J! ...
 Happy puppeteers...

Finished product...