Friday, September 13, 2013

Week 2, My Feelings- Day 1: Happy!

Today was our first day in week 2: My Feelings
Here is the theme web for this month's theme 
"Me and My Family"... 

Week 2: My Feelings...

 Here is our schedule of the day and the daily focus poster...

Today we had a short Spanish lesson, in our 
"Play with Words" activity...

  In our "Happy Shapes" activity we used our foam circles (shape of the month in our colors of the month, yellow and green) to complete the puzzle, and then we created a happy face, using our foam shapes...

Finally, our art project of the day was making a 
"Mirror of Feelings" ...

Here are some proud artists...

And here is where we hang our works of art...

Here you can see more of our day, 
outside of the preschool curriculum:
Fun at Daycare!