Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 3: Mom

So, our theme this month is "Me and my Family" and this week our topic is "My Family". Today the discussion was about moms.
Here is our schedule for the day...
Our "Question of the Day" was 
"How does your mom show love?"... 
Next we talked about what the kid's favorite food that their mommies make...
 One of our letters of the month is "M" and today was a great day to focus on this letter. Here are some items that start with 
the letter "M", so the kids could practice making the connection of the sound to the word/item...

Here we are using our letter pointer to find the letter "M" on our lists we made...
Here is our story from today's story time...
 Finally we worked in our workbooks and played 
some counting games...